Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Real Estate Market Analysis 2019

It's been a while since our last post from 2016 as we have been busy serving our clients and make our service as satisfied as possible. As recent interest rate hike and China-US tariff war, many of our customers start asking if the home price has reach the peak and would it come down any time soon?

Our answer at this moment is (3.27.2019): Not just yet but it might be coming soon.

One of the major indicator is the most recent action from FED holding the interest rate from going further. We believe the FED also smells the economy is not going as strong as they expected in 2018 regardless China-US tariff war. Also, the stock doesn't seems to have the same strength as before, especially the price tumbled back in Q4 of 2018. Many people are now speculating and are afraid the next recession is coming to hit the stock & economy soon. Therefore, the real estate price tend to stagger around at current price level and not going any higher.

Most of our listings need to cut back a bit in order to get sold while buying side usually can get 5-10% of price reduction from the seller. However, does that mean real estate price is really going down? Based on our past experience, the real estate price won't really be affected until the stock price tank. Also, even with the stock price tank, the real estate price usually wouldn't be reflected for another months or so. Even with the 2007 recession due to the sub-prime crisis, the real estate market didn't really start crash til later of the year. However, if you don't want to wait for the last minutes and take the risk of panic selling. Perhaps, now it is about time to start selling.

We are now offering 1% listing fee for all our new customer and we look forwards to helping you sell your home fast and best market price possible.

Please call us today at 626.757.1520 to schedule a Free Market Analysis of your home.

Jim Hung
Realtor, Broker
BRE 01907230
CA Dreamer Investment Inc.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

TRUMP (特朗普/川普)當選對美國房產之分析

最近美國總統大選 意外的特朗普當選 雖然到今天股票市場似乎沒受到影響 但是很多人都在擔心是否房價會因為特朗普的移民政策開始下跌

我個人的見解是"不會" 反而 對美國的房產市場會有相對的助力並讓房價繼續攀升 主要的原因很簡單 因為特朗普的本業就是房產 他自己大部分的投資都是在房產上 所以以一個商人的角度來說 他當選後 所有的相關政策 只要是跟房產有關的 他一定都會站在自己的利益上著想 讓房產事業更加澎勃發展 至於移民政策會影響房產多少 我覺得不會對透過正當投資管道來的人有影響 因為要發展美國的經濟 外來的人才和投資還是很重要 做為商人的特朗普不會不知道這點 所以 他對美國經濟發展有正面影響的外來投資(像是房產等) 肯定是會以支持的態度來面對 而且這種遷涉到國與國之間的經濟議題 並非特朗普一人就可以決定 若是一味的鎖國不理會外來投資 必會造成其他國家的其他方面的制裁 這也絕不是特朗普想看到的局面 所以 為了美國經濟未來四年發展 特朗普在房產上肯定會持續推廣 並且歡迎外來投資客 房產上漲的趨勢也是事在必行了

最後再次提醒想在美國購屋的客人 美金走強的趨勢看來是不可擋的 人民幣破 7 的時日也很快就會到 所以薦議您趕緊將人民幣轉換成美元 以免到時越晚轉 對換率越差

JIM HUNG (洪吉姆)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

For Sale / 出售: 1071 Waterfall Way, Duarte CA 91010

2004 年建 Townhome Style Condo Home 4房3浴(樓下一間房) 1788 SQF 雙車庫 全新油漆和地毯 近FWY 210, 605 和超市 離APU/Citrus College 10分鐘車程 生活機能優 不論是在LA Pasadena City of Industry 或是 Ontario工作 都很方便 投資來出租也很容易 Gold Line Metro 也即將通車 發展有潛力 若有興趣 請與我們聯繫 謝謝  
Jim Hung BRE 01907230 626-757-1520 WeChat: CADreamer CA Dreamer Investment Inc. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

2016 下半年加州房产情势

多亏英国脱欧 美国的整体经济和房产情势将日趋稳定上扬 美国虽然本身的经济并未增长很多但是相较于其他的国家 整体经济还是比较稳定 所以投资风险也相对较低 英国向外溢出的资金大多数将倾向美国 不外乎是美金或房产 所以美国的房产在接下来的3-4年仍是看好的 虽然中国投资者的资金相较之前少了许多 但是总量来说还是有持续增长的情况 所以加州的房产应该仍会持续以每年5-10%的幅度继续向上攀升 所以对想要投资加州地产的客人这1-2年仍究是还不错的机会 中国目前中小企业面临了成长的问题 由于工资原物料上涨 外销量相对以往减少 为了扩大外销的数字 人民币持续贬值的机会也相对的高很多 所以美国房产仍会是华人买来对冲币值的另一种投资 因此2016下半年我们仍看好加州房产持续向下一个高峰迈进

JIM HUNG (洪吉姆)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 南加房地產總覽

2016 房產整體將會趨於平穩 雖然沒有大的漲幅空間 但是也不致於跌價 根據 2015 年底美國聯邦政府所提出的升息 就是直接的反應了美國大環境的經濟其實是還不錯的 雖然升息的幅度不多 但是也是個開端 估計在美元持續走強的情況下 2016 升息的幅度會隨著時間慢慢增漲 當然 這也就間接的影響到美國的房價 雖然說 美國本身經濟推動房價的動能並不是很大 但是基於對其他國家(尤其是歐洲和中國)的幣值貶值 美金相對走強 也促進了經濟成長的能源 南加主要的幾個建商仍在各大城市推出新的建案 雖然買氣跟往年下降許多 但是仍有許多第一次買房的年輕族群在找尋合適的房子 我個人的看法是 自住的話 今年上半年仍是可以購買的時機 下半年則要看看利息調整的動向 若是投資的話 那就應該好好精打細算 才不會買到太貴的房屋 當然 春天以前若能買到 肯定比夏天再出手來的好 至於中國的買家 若考慮匯率的問題 我可以大膽的說 人民幣會持續的貶值 回不去了 所以 想要轉錢過來美國的人 最好盡快 不然等到年底 可能都快看到7字頭 在此祝大家新年快樂!

JIM HUNG BRE # 01907230
4343 Von Karmon Ave Suite 150
Newport Beach CA 92660

Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 南加州買房時機

最近 很多客人和朋友都問我 2015的房價 房勢如何? 會跌還是會漲?什麼時候買最好?

去年(2014)年中 聯邦政府本來準備要升息 但是發現經濟復甦的速度不如預期 所以便將升息的時間點 往後延 這也就給所有要買房的自住的買家 或是投資的買家 更多的時間來購買房子 簡單說 升息與否的時間點 就控制了房價會不會開始加速回溫的重要指標 所以這也就可以回答以上購買的時間點的問題 答案就是現在! 因為現在再不買 等到升息確認後再買 就慢了 當然另一個問題也就自有解答 房市是漲還是跌? 當然是繼續漲! 許多人覺得2014年的房市沒有漲 反而有跌 這其實是錯誤的 因為整體的交易量相較於2013年是有下滑的區勢 但是交易價格相較於2013年還是有平均10% 的漲幅 若是未升息買價都上升了 當要開始升息時 群眾開始搶購時 便是另一波房價高升的時機 所以 我認為現在(今年第1季和第2季)都是買房相對於的好時機 2015的漲幅 照理說 應該會高於2014的漲幅

以上是本人的淺見也是基於本人在房地產服務幾年的心得 供您參考

若您有任何問題或有購屋或賣屋的需要 我也很願意為您服務



Southern California Real Estate Market 2015

It's been a while since the last time that I posted an article on my blog due to heavy workload.

If you got to review my previous posts, you can find out that my vision was in the right direction so far. So, I have clients keep asking if it is still a good time to buy? Or should they wait? My answer to them is you have 6 months left from now to scout for the house either for your investment purpose or as your primary residence. Why? The answer the simple: the Fed is going to adjust the interest rate in the second-third quarter this year. Even though the real estate market seems to be slow for the past 12 months not to mention the transaction volumes was drop more than 25% compared to the same period the year before(2013). The entire market sales price still increase around 10%. The reasons are lower unemployment rate, market recover, and consumer power grow. But, the most important factor is the interest rate still remain relatively low. So, as long as the interest rate are still under 5% til mid year, I think it's still a good timing to buy/invest in real estate.

The second most common questions that my client often ask is: Where is the best place to invest now since all price seem to go up already? I suggestion will be towards the east but trying to stay within west of Fwy 15. The reason is because some of the more prosper area in Inland Empire such as Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Corona, and etc where you can still find some bargain if you are lucky and even now some of the standard sale are not really that expensive as expected. Also, there are some new construction plans in the area which will also help real estate market to recover faster. Therefore, pick the city within these area and find the best fit for your family can help you save some money while still enjoy some appreciation in the future.

If you have any questions or thoughts about my statement above, please do not hesitate to send me an email. If you are looking to buy the house in SoCal, please give me a call and I would be more than happy to find the best place for you and your family. Thank You

Happy 2015!

Jim Hung