最近 很多客人和朋友都問我 2015的房價 房勢如何? 會跌還是會漲?什麼時候買最好?
去年(2014)年中 聯邦政府本來準備要升息 但是發現經濟復甦的速度不如預期 所以便將升息的時間點 往後延 這也就給所有要買房的自住的買家 或是投資的買家 更多的時間來購買房子 簡單說 升息與否的時間點 就控制了房價會不會開始加速回溫的重要指標 所以這也就可以回答以上購買的時間點的問題 答案就是現在! 因為現在再不買 等到升息確認後再買 就慢了 當然另一個問題也就自有解答 房市是漲還是跌? 當然是繼續漲! 許多人覺得2014年的房市沒有漲 反而有跌 這其實是錯誤的 因為整體的交易量相較於2013年是有下滑的區勢 但是交易價格相較於2013年還是有平均10% 的漲幅 若是未升息買價都上升了 當要開始升息時 群眾開始搶購時 便是另一波房價高升的時機 所以 我認為現在(今年第1季和第2季)都是買房相對於的好時機 2015的漲幅 照理說 應該會高於2014的漲幅
以上是本人的淺見也是基於本人在房地產服務幾年的心得 供您參考
若您有任何問題或有購屋或賣屋的需要 我也很願意為您服務
Friday, January 2, 2015
Southern California Real Estate Market 2015
It's been a while since the last time that I posted an article on my blog due to heavy workload.
If you got to review my previous posts, you can find out that my vision was in the right direction so far. So, I have clients keep asking if it is still a good time to buy? Or should they wait? My answer to them is you have 6 months left from now to scout for the house either for your investment purpose or as your primary residence. Why? The answer the simple: the Fed is going to adjust the interest rate in the second-third quarter this year. Even though the real estate market seems to be slow for the past 12 months not to mention the transaction volumes was drop more than 25% compared to the same period the year before(2013). The entire market sales price still increase around 10%. The reasons are lower unemployment rate, market recover, and consumer power grow. But, the most important factor is the interest rate still remain relatively low. So, as long as the interest rate are still under 5% til mid year, I think it's still a good timing to buy/invest in real estate.
The second most common questions that my client often ask is: Where is the best place to invest now since all price seem to go up already? I suggestion will be towards the east but trying to stay within west of Fwy 15. The reason is because some of the more prosper area in Inland Empire such as Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Corona, and etc where you can still find some bargain if you are lucky and even now some of the standard sale are not really that expensive as expected. Also, there are some new construction plans in the area which will also help real estate market to recover faster. Therefore, pick the city within these area and find the best fit for your family can help you save some money while still enjoy some appreciation in the future.
If you have any questions or thoughts about my statement above, please do not hesitate to send me an email. If you are looking to buy the house in SoCal, please give me a call and I would be more than happy to find the best place for you and your family. Thank You
Happy 2015!
Jim Hung
If you got to review my previous posts, you can find out that my vision was in the right direction so far. So, I have clients keep asking if it is still a good time to buy? Or should they wait? My answer to them is you have 6 months left from now to scout for the house either for your investment purpose or as your primary residence. Why? The answer the simple: the Fed is going to adjust the interest rate in the second-third quarter this year. Even though the real estate market seems to be slow for the past 12 months not to mention the transaction volumes was drop more than 25% compared to the same period the year before(2013). The entire market sales price still increase around 10%. The reasons are lower unemployment rate, market recover, and consumer power grow. But, the most important factor is the interest rate still remain relatively low. So, as long as the interest rate are still under 5% til mid year, I think it's still a good timing to buy/invest in real estate.
The second most common questions that my client often ask is: Where is the best place to invest now since all price seem to go up already? I suggestion will be towards the east but trying to stay within west of Fwy 15. The reason is because some of the more prosper area in Inland Empire such as Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Corona, and etc where you can still find some bargain if you are lucky and even now some of the standard sale are not really that expensive as expected. Also, there are some new construction plans in the area which will also help real estate market to recover faster. Therefore, pick the city within these area and find the best fit for your family can help you save some money while still enjoy some appreciation in the future.
If you have any questions or thoughts about my statement above, please do not hesitate to send me an email. If you are looking to buy the house in SoCal, please give me a call and I would be more than happy to find the best place for you and your family. Thank You
Happy 2015!
Jim Hung
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